Here you will find a list of software releases and updates from Cakewalk for each edition of Dimension.
General Product Information
- Dimension Pro
- Dimension LE
Cakewalk Product Support
- Dimension Pro
- Product Support Main Page on the Cakewalk support site. This page has a list of downloads and a list of knowledgebase articles for known problems or common issues.
- Dimension Pro 1.5 Help Files The Dimension Pro 1.5 installer does not automatically install the help files, but you can download them from Cakewalk.
- Dimension Pro 1.5 Update adds support for Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, VST 2.4, improved compatibility and stability, etc.
- Dimension Pro 1.3 Update (OSX) special Mac-only update to resolve some Mac-specific issues.
- Dimension Pro 1.2 Update Update for both Mac and Windows platforms adds native 64bit DXi mode, REX support, Microtuning, MIDI Learn, and many other new features.
- Dimension Pro VST Patch for Cubase 4 This patch fixes an issue where notes would stick when using Dimension Pro in Cubase 4.
- Dimension Pro 1.2 RTAS Patch The RTAS version would play at the incorrect pitch under certain conditions.
- Unofficial Dimension Pro Microhost The original/initial Dimensional Pro release from Cakewalk did not bundle a microhost for using Dimension Pro standalone (that is, outside of a host like Project5™ or SONAR™. But this is an add-on microhost available for free (unsupported by Cakewalk). Later editions of Dimension Pro included a microhsot officially supported by Cakewalk.
- Dimension LE
- Dimension LE 1.5 Update adds support for Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6, VST 2.4, improved compatibility and stability, etc.
The content provided on this web site is a collection of public information from various public sources included postings in the Cakewalk User Forums, on the old Project5 Wiki, or which has been collected from a variety of other public sources or personal experience.
Cakewalk™ and its software are registered trademarks of Cakewalk, Inc.
Other product names or company names may be trademarks of their respective companies whether marked as such or not.
Portions of this web site are copyright © 2024 Robert J. Hammond ( A member of the Technetos family of web sites ).